I initially started this blog as an ode to my culture's emphasis on great food and nutrition. However, I was VERY bad with keeping up with it. So now, it will be about my travels, tastes, and anything else that I feel like projecting into the vast online community for anyone that wants to read :) May it be noted though that food is still and will always continue to be a huge part of my life :)

Friday, January 4, 2013

Crazy for Books (read: Amazon)....

So, my boyfriend and I have this dream that we will have this amazing library in our future home... complete with library ladders like in Beauty and the Beast, and walls of books, and maps, and pillows made from momentos from places we have travelled around the world, and a library style desk with library style lamps, and large windows, and secret rooms... One day, this will come true. One day in the far future, to be exact.

So, is it sad that I go through Amazon adding book box sets to my "Wish List" so that I can one day add them to my library? We are talking about books that I've read from my childhood, books I haven't even picked up yet, books that I have yet not the complete box set of... Is this a problem?

I think not. I'm just preparing, that's all :)

I love books. I love the novelty of them, the feel of a used book with bent pages, and the ripped covered, and creased spines. And I love the feeling of carrying one in my purse in case a moment arises in which I need a book! And I love collecting them (see above).

So one can see why, when my brother was very giving this year and bought me an Amazon Kindle Fire HD for my Birthday/Christmas, I had an internal panic attack for 5 seconds about how I felt about going to said "e-Books". But, then I thought whose to say that I can't have both? Why can't I buy the books I love and keep them in my collection/library, but also have this amazing electronic that prevents me from creating back problems from carrying my 5 pound Harry Potter books with me everywhere I go in my purse?

Therefore, I love my books, but I am also in love with my Kindle. It is a reasonably priced table that can do everything my sister's iPad can do. In fact, she has asked me what the difference is, and I honestly couldn't tell her. I have already downloaded 10 new books, plus apps. It is perfect for browsing before you sleep, without having to sit up to hold your huge laptop, and then go through the process of turning it off. With the simple close of my cover, its off! Just as quick as my questioning of whether I wanted it or not subsided, its sleeps :) Not to mention, I can actually carry smaller purses now!

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